Wednesday 4 March 2015

How to keep your calm when you have an annoying friend:

Everyone of us has a friend who is just freaking annoying and we can't even do anything about it, really. I can tell you, based on experience, that having a friend who is annoying is unbelievably annoying.

Annoying is just the right word to describe this friend of mine.

It is said that it is human natures want for other people to think well of us and it is indeed we are often called up to put our best foot forward and highlighting our accomplishments and character traits in job interviews and on first dates. 

Based on experience, this particular friend always asks the 4 Ws and 1 H, I think you guys know what I mean by this right? If you guys don't know what it is, the 4 Ws mean: When, Why, What and Where. The 1 H is How. This particular friend of mine is literally like a freaking detective every time I tell her my kwentos(its when I tell her something about what had happened to me when I'm with different people). This always happens either when not with her, I'm with different people and/or I have heard it from just around. 

She thinks that I am freaking know-it-all. 

I just learn to go with the flow with her. This is my advice to all of you, if you have an annoying friend, y'all go with the flow. If you guys have had enough of your friends shit, you go freaking tell them whatever is in your mind, my friend. It seems that your friendship is on the line, let me tell you, it is, but sometimes true friends tell their friends what they don't like about this particular friend. 

I'm such a weirdo sometimes, because I'm telling you guys that you'll be telling annoying friends what the fuck is up with them I haven't even told my friend what bothered me. 

But I'm being honest here, go tell them if you do care about your friend. 


Tuesday 24 February 2015

What happened to the Italian chef? He PASTAway

I went to SM Bicutan with 2 of my friends for 2 reasons: 
  • We wanted to try something new
  • We're always in Makati or in MOA, we're tired of going there. 
We were there until 3:45 in the afternoon because one of my friends and I had a long break, on the other hand, my other friend just wanted to skip lunch. We had lunch there in the food court in SM Bicutan and when I saw Sbarro, I decided to buy from them 'cause I know how good their food is. 

So I ordered my food, which is Half Baked Ziti with Iced Tea but this time I ordered Pizza because I was that hungry. My other friends order the same thing after waiting for their order, we finally ate. I was done eating my pasta and half-eating my pizza, the pizza doesn't even taste really good. It tasted really bland and oily, the crust was disgusting then I realized that the pasta sauce was just watery. 

It was absolutely disgusting and I really didn't enjoy my lunch. 

I didn't even complain to the vendors so if I were you I would complain about it. 


Tuesday 3 February 2015

Free running in the tube!

So I went to Makati with a friend for lunch since I had a 4 hour break 'til my last class but then we decided to travel to the place we needed to be. My friend went home since she didn't have class anymore and I went back to school.

It was a scary feeling for me because I usually travel with a friend going to and from Makati but this time I had to go alone since my mom couldn't drop me off to school. I didn't even tell my mom I had to travel alone but it was worth the experience. 

Thursday 8 January 2015

It's okay not to be okay, sometimes.

January 8, 2015
People know me as someone who is always happy-go-lucky type.
I am a happy person.
The summer before college, I told myself that I’d live a happy life in college. I wanted to face my problems as a mature young lady who was facing her biggest challenge. My biggest challenge going into college was adjusting to having boys around the classroom. I had boys as my teachers during high school but from pre-school to high school I attended an exclusive school for girls.
For the first few weeks, I had a hard time adjusting to have boys around because coming from an all-girls school can have an effect you. You act like a total guy, you know what I mean?
Girls who know what I’m talking about what I’m talking about.
 I got along with my boy classmates/friends pretty quickly as a matter of fact.
Back to point, I only am happy because I don’t want people to see how broken I really am in the inside. I go through drama at home I wish I could tell somebody.
I can’t even erase the feeling of nervousness because I don’t even want to go home because I know I’d be hearing and seeing the same things again and again. Sometimes I am sick and tired of this person just making of people and they don’t even know how much it hurts.
I show a brave face in front of my family and in front of my friends. I want to show them how brave I am, it’s my main goal to not break down in front of everybody.
To be honest, crying isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign that you’re not going to face your problem alone. You know what I mean, right?
The toughest I have shown to my friends and family was the time I was labeled a stalker. I didn’t want to show people that I was hurt and that it pained me, but really it did.

Goal: Surround yourself with positive people. Keep Smiling.

It's alright to dream

January 7, 2015
I am currently sitting in this restaurant called “Lorenzo’s Way” in Greenbelt 5.
It’s my first time eating here and I am quite excited to eat.
Yeah, late lunch. J
I bought something from H&M, I bought sweatpants and I also bought something for my face from Landmark.
I am thinking about graduation and where I am going to be after college. I worry a lot about my future, but sometimes its okay not to think about what’s going to happen. You have to live a little and see how your future has in store for you.
That’s what I am very excited about.
I am always excited for what my future has in store for me. I don’t want to sound redundant but you know it’s true.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be so many things and dream of becoming someone big. I still do, though, don’t get me wrong. I have so many dreams in life and I wish that I could make them come true all at once.
Sadly, I can’t.
Things I want to be:
Ø  Director
Ø  Blogger
Ø  Youtuber
Ø  Author
Ø  Intern for WWE
Ø  Actress
Ø  Singer
Some quotes for you and me:
“Be the best version of you.” –Zoe Sugg

Goal: Be happy with what you have, alright?

Speak up

January 6, 2015
I am going to be honest with you guys here.
As cliché as it sounds, but I have been a victim of bullying. At least in someone’s life they have been bullied. I was verbally bullied; I was called so many names.
Background check: I come from an exclusive school for girls.
Many things can happen, like, so much in many right and wrong ways.
Back to the point, the one thing that I hated during high school was when I was called stalker. I bet you’re asking why, well, I was in 2nd year high school I had this huge crush on a girl who was in the higher batch than I was. (She was in 3rd year and I was in 2nd year at that time)
Anyway, when she knew that I had a crush on her she made sure that my life was a living hell and let me tell you how much I hated. I didn’t want to go to school at all and I didn’t want to see my classmates because they knew how much I liked knowing them they’ll just tease me.
I was called a stalker because wherever she was, I was there, it wasn’t my fault because the school that we were both in was small and, of course, I couldn’t do anything about it really. She was also in the basketball team and her coach told the principal that I was stalker but I really wasn’t.
The only thing I did wrong was that I liked to her much that it caused me pain that was it.
There’s nothing
It’s something I don’t want to remember because it hurt me too much.
I started cutting myself, it’s a bad thing to do but I was just 14 or 15 at that time. She graduated the year 2012 and I was 16.
There’s something that I am very grateful for, it’s that I became a better person.

Goal: Stand up for yourself. Face your battles and don’t give up just because you’re going through a tough time.

Nervous feelings

January 5,2015
It’s already the 5th day of the New Year and I feel like time has been going so fast.
Anyway, I want to talk about school. It’s a weird topic to talk about but since we’re going back to school in days or few weeks, I felt like I should be talking about it.
So I come back to school in a week or so and I am so nervous because I have no idea who my professors are going to be. The questions come flooding in my mind all the time every new term, “Are they going to be nice? If they are nice, are they going to be nice enough to give me a high grade? If they’re not nice, well then I am doomed.”
I exert so much effort in my studies and in the end; all I get is bad failing grade. To be honest, it hurts like hell. I have perfect attendance and I pass everything but I get a bad grade in the end because they deem me a failing student.
That alone hurts me.
It hurts me because I am perfect in my attendance even if I am poor in recitation and/or class participation. I pass my assignments on time and I also pass my term papers on time. I ask my professors if I am having a hard time.
Since it is the New Year, I am going to have a fresh start. I was able to do that in the beginning of 2014, but by the time 2014 was going to end. It went downhill.
I mean, there are going to be times where majority of the blame is going to be on me and there is nothing I can do now because that’s in the past now, right?

Goal: Do better. Do something everyday that brings you closer to your goals. If you don’t have you want; work harder. Dreams don’t work unless you do. Nobody said it was easy. Positivity is the key.